Dr Dianne Clifton

Senior Consultant Psychiatrist

MBBS, BMed Sci (Hons), MPM, Grad Cert Clin Teaching (Hons), FRANZCP

Dianne Clifton is a senior consultant psychiatrist and was the inaugural Medical Director of Psychosocial Cancer Care at St Vincent’s Hospital and Caritas Christi. In this role she was responsible for the development of statewide education and training of staff from different disciplines in the delivery of psychosocial cancer care, clinical service delivery to SVH and staff support programmes. Di has produced workshops, seminars university subjects, book chapters and journal articles and has lectured internationally in her specialist field. She has background in trauma and brings this perspective to her clinical work in oncology and palliative care in private practice and Cabrini Hospital. She consults with patients and their families at all stages of the cancer journey, including recovery.

To book an appointment with
Dr Dianne Clifton